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84 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - feature request: notify how the three possible outcomes impact rating #2

This really seems useless to me. But I probably don't know what I am talking about.

General Chess Discussion - Chess Partner#3

What is your rating range for "around you" and what openings are you interested in? I saw a d4 opening by you just now. I do those as well but have a little more of an interest with g3 systems. Like t…

General Chess Discussion - Improving in chess#12

Hate to be the in the mess of "higher rated players" that disagree about something, but I don't really like Chess Tempo that much. And while I agree that tactics puzzles are necessary to a point, I do…

General Chess Discussion - Owen's Defence#3

I play it on occasion. There is a decent video introduction by GM Igor Smirnov if you would like an intro. - Video 1…

General Chess Discussion - Playing against more experienced players#19

In reality @BlundersEveryGame : You should be fair to everyone including yourself and play everyone with provision of a low rating 200 below you. The idea to play 200 above you is good, but it doesn't…

General Chess Discussion - Bullet people: how do you click so fast?#3

I know Nakamura attempted to make a book on it. Suppose to explain how to improve in this game specifically. I have not read the book yet, but here is the link in case it helps you.…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request#17

Dunno. I am a mobile user about half the time. I don't work like that. I don't think it's a fair assumption that all mobile users act like this when even regular users act like this just as much of th…

General Chess Discussion - What's better than Vienna Gambit? (pro and cons of the opening)#12

And what eval gives you that 4. .. d5 gives all that much?

General Chess Discussion - What's better than Vienna Gambit? (pro and cons of the opening)#10

I know someone around my rating range that swears by the Vienna. And even gets decent games against titled players with it. I really don't think the assessment of it being unsound would be correct. It…

General Chess Discussion - What's better than Vienna Gambit? (pro and cons of the opening)#8

And what is the eval you are getting that makes you think black is better?
