
Owen's Defence

What about this 1. ♙e2-e4 ♟b7-b6 AKA Owen's Defence?

Anybody plays it? Any comments, caveats or other thoughts about it are appreciated (sagt man so?).

Unfortunately there is no meditation section on, like on

Thanks and regards, Karl
Oh yea, you see that they are not front-end'ers without even looking ;)
Hallo Karlgoethebier ich spiele eigentlich immer 1....b6 auf 1.e4 Die Videos von Herrn Smirnov kenne ich auch. Übrigens kann man die Eröffnung auch gut mit Weiß spielen, also 1.b3. Auch hier hat Herr Smirnov zwei erstklassige Videos produziert.
I play it a lot as black (I'm a patzer) and love it-fairly unorthodox so many unexplored traps for most lower ranked 'aggressive' whites. I play Guatemala half the time too which tends to create a lopsided board and cramped game for black, but is very sturdy

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