
Search "user:Emeraldluma"

18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Do Trophies Get Updated to Marathon Tournament Winners After Players Get Removed from the Standings?#1

I noticed after the 2022 Spring Marathon tournament that the standings have changed. Some of the original top 500 players were deleted from the standings list shifting the placings of the players. As …

General Chess Discussion - Need help in rapid#13

After reviewing some of your losses from the past day, it looks like you are trying to play rapid games like they are blitz or bullet and missing tactics or positional errors as a result of that. Whil…

General Chess Discussion - How can I get 2100?#20

Well it depends on what you want to reach 2100 in. In any rated category you will at least need to consistently defeat players around 2100 (at least 1900 or so). How you achieve that can vary. For exa…

Lichess Feedback - Feature idea: force opponent to play only legal move#16

So in a tournament setting, I can see this as an issue as there is only so much time for the whole tournament. If it is checkmate in 1 and there is only 1 legal move in a casual game, you could just p…

Lichess Feedback - Underpromotion puzzles.#8 Here is an example of a bishop promotion. Only move is to promote the pawn. Rook and Queen lead to stalemate immediatel…

General Chess Discussion - 1000 ways one could lose a chess game#24

Thinking you were playing king of the hill. Thinking you were playing antichess and losing your queen. Auto promoting to a queen when only promoting to a knight prevents checkmate.

Lichess Feedback - Yet another glitch with the atomic analysis#3

Oh dear. It seems Stockfish doesn't quite get the rules yet. It reminds me of when I was just learning and lost in 3 moves because I didn't know the king could capture pieces.

General Chess Discussion - Why is losing on time when opponent has insufficient mating material not considered as a draw?#12

I see mate in 4. 1. Kg2 Kg4 2. Kh1 Kxg3 3. Bd4 Bf5 4. Bg1 Be4#

General Chess Discussion - I flagged but I thought it would be called a draw. I lost???#4

[Variant "From Position"] [FEN "8/7k/6n1/1R6/6KP/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] 1. Rb2 Kh6 2. Kg3 Kh5 3. Kg2 Kxh4 4. Kh1 Nf4 5. Rg2 Nd3 6. Rg8 Kh3 7. Rg1 Nf2# Here's an example of how black can win in 7 moves.

Game analysis - Post your blunders#16

Here's a lesson on how to make your king disappear. Don't play around with your opponent on low time controls.
