
Need help in rapid

After reviewing some of your losses from the past day, it looks like you are trying to play rapid games like they are blitz or bullet and missing tactics or positional errors as a result of that.

While there are players who can play very strong and fast, it takes practice and good positional understanding to reach that level of consistency in such short time controls.

While you may be able to get away with moving fast easier in blitz or bullet, players in rapid have more time to spot the weaknesses in your position and comeback or win fast as a result.

So my advice would be to use some more of your time to consider what your opponent is trying to do (or what you think they should try to do if you were in their shoes). Even if they don't play like you think, you get a better idea of what the pros and cons of their structure is which can help guide your future moves.
@soccerfreak1213 said in #1:
> I am trying to get to 1800 in rapid and i always get close but can never make it. any tips? thank you
> Soccerfreak1213
Hello friend I felt like you, when I started I had 1300 score then 1400 and I quickly went up to 1600, then I wanted to reach 1700 I took a lot of time and practice but in the end I reached 1800 and recently up to 1900 in Rapid. I am sure that you will achieve it, you just have to make an effort and feel capable. In chess we learn every day. Have a good day and good luck

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