
Search "user:mistro"

39 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Level of play at 1800-1900#15

@oldrusty said in #1: > I must say, not to be a wet blanket, but the variation of chess skill at the 1800-1900 play is shocking. It's almost as if some AI is trying to compensate for the insanity of o…

General Chess Discussion - Lost against a player with bishop only#2

Think rules are that if you run out of time and there is still a possible legal checkmate for your opponent, then they win. Here, although you probably wouldn't have underpromoted to a knight or bisho…

General Chess Discussion - Whats the minimum rating difference to get one point?#3

I assume it just keeps a precise rating, and rounds it up when it displays. So, my rating might be 3999.49, which would display as 3999. If I beat someone rated 500, that might give me an extra 0.01, …

Game analysis - My Best game ever!#14

@Joshua_Kovac that's a really nice finish. Reminds me a little bit of the game where white does a similar thing to overload black's queen with the threat of a back rank mate:…

General Chess Discussion - I want to become a titled player#14

@TheMotelyFool I would advise you to start thinking more carefully about how you spend your "chess time". For example, I just skim-read your profile and found this from last week: Competed in 8 tourna…

General Chess Discussion - Chess players are an angry demographic.#62

@GyrythII yes, indeed! To reply to the OP with a different view - I had a game a little while ago where my opponent and I made a series of awful blunders. He lost a queen, I blundered nearly into chec…

Game analysis - FINALLY!!!!! :)#5

Congrats! I have a couple of questions... 1: Why did SF resign? 2: You used almost all of your 15 seconds and SF used just 2 seconds. This means that the entire game took less than 17 seconds. During …

Game analysis - Best attacking game has 5 mistakes 5 innacuracies and 1 blunder how#3

You should analyse the game yourself! For example, early in the game you missed Rxf7. Can you see why this is a good move (because Bg7 is unprotected, as far as I can see).

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle time#1

In this position by T.B. Gorgiev, black is clearly a long way ahead in material. Does white have anything worth doing other than resigning...? 8/3p4/3p4/1p3p2/brp5/np5N/prkpKN2/nqb5 w - - 0 1

Game analysis - Mate in 130 moves#9

Browser SF only finds a mate when it's down to the last 8 moves :p I think I erred somewhere as it's 128, not 130. I always loves these kinds of puzzles when I was little :) [Variant "From Position"] …
