
Welcome Lichess Bots

Nice, thibault. The new section at the end is very good. So as I thought, lichess will keep an eye on rating distribution. For now, bots are far from significant to affect it.

I just wonder... What about abusing a winning line? Is that sandbagging too? What would be the limit?
But how I can turn new account into bot in that case?
I already create it, here is a link: @CGEtacticmode
CGE like abbreviation of Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition.
So I have no hidden intensions, thats why Im asking is it possible to switch a new account to bot on this way.
Thank you guys, especially @thibault
But Im so bad in this, should I use this code with python or command prompt?
Or is it the easier way to do learn it from video on youtube?
Thanks :)
Just started to watching how to do it, at least maybe I will learn something
guys here is this weirdo bot


its moves are by humans (voting stuff) the rules are bots shouldt be manipulated by human play so its this bot legit or not?

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