
Welcome Lichess Bots

@thibault @<anyone who knows>

please read #11:
Briefly, what does it mean

"Lichess Bots are for:
Connected physical boards"

Thanks in advance
@Bracco if you can interact with a DGT board from a program you can create a BOT which plays human moves coming from a DGT board and passed to the BOT.
@Reti-Gambit you cannot create a bot on an account that has played any games. Create a new account and try again.
It's very good to see computer chess(not as in cheating) be included Lichess. The number of ways bot accounts can be used and the new possibilities are amazing and fun to think about.

But if we are truly going to welcome bots to Lichess they must accessible! Some kind of presence on the lobby tab or other easy way to find them is definitely called for.

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