
How to play tournament mode with the WhitePawn App

Many users have doubts about how to play in tournament mode with the WhitePawnApp, so I explain how to do it.
I write in English for everyone, for anyone who wants I can send them a translation in German or Italian by private message.

Here we go:

1) Open Lichess on a second device (for example tablet, pc or a second smartphone) and enter the Tournament
2) open the WhitePawn App ( on a first smartphone ) and connected your Lichess Account
3) connect the board
4) open the Lichess section
5) click on the field where it says "Signed in as:"
6)* if there is already a game in progress you will find it under: "Currently Running:"
7) then click on "Get back in"

6)* if there is not already a game in progress, with the help of a second device you have to make the first move.
When you have made the first move you will find the current game under: "Currently Running:"

for more details you can look in this post by @Pak-Kli :

A picture is worth more than 1000 words:

Have fun!
It works like a treat in Arena and Swiss Tournaments as well as for challenging a specific Lichess player or accepting an incoming challenge. I just keep Lichess open on a second screen or device as fall-back option ... - did not have to use it yet once but it calms my nerves when under pressure.

The chat in the „White Pawn“ app stops once the game is over and messages posted on the app in a Tournament are logged in the game and are not shown in the common Tournament chat ... - another benefit of a second screen or device running Lichess, at least for chatty players or people who like to follow the banter in other games, too.

„White Pawn“ works very well with the „Square Off Pro“ and the „Millennium eOne“ for me!
It is also useful to have the sound on of the second (fall back)-device. Because sometimes there is a delay in transmitting the move to lichess but you wouldn't notice in the White Pawn app. Kind of an acoustic feedback.

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