
„Millennium eOne“

Does anybody have experience with using the „Millennium eOne“ in your tournaments and can give me some hints or tell me that it does not work right now. Thanks and have a fine day, Kli
Hi Kli,
I'm using the Millennium Tournament 55 in the tournaments of this club here and it works fine.
But I didn't try the Chesslink App so far, so I can't say anything about it. I Used the White Pawn App instead. When a game is startet there appears a green button and you can catch the game for the board. Additionally, I am still logged in to on a second device (notebook f.e.) for security and overview. In case a move is not transmitted (happens, but not often), there is a synch button in the White Pawn app that allows you to restore the correct board position. As far as I know, it should work the same way with the eone.
Hi Michael,
That‘s very interesting. Will try this out during the Festive Season and report back here whether it works with an „eOne“, too.
Many thanks, have a very Merry Christmas and Health, Wealth and Happy Games in 2023!
The „White Pawn“ app with my eOne:
Random Opponent - works great; scroll down in the app to adjust the time control. Did overlook this in the first game and ended up in a 5+something game that was quite challenging from a piece handling perspective.
Chat - works fine but only until the game is over; had to thank my opponents by sending them a message on Lichess itself
Next test - Specific Opponent ...
Nice to hear that it works. Forgot to mention: In the case of a tournament, you must of course join it beforehand via the website. There is no function like in the chesslink app.
My Takeaways from our Test Tournament with the „White Pawn“ app (WP) on 29.12.2022:
1. Thanks to @Toni_Libralon and @Johannsson for organisation, patience and the nice moves
2. When I had ...
a. connected your Lichess Account in WP
b. started WP and your eOne
c. connected the eOne to WP via Bluetooth
d. selected Lichess
a white window popped open showing the Lichess logo, stating „Signed in as: Pak-Kli 1661 Rapid“ and having a small box with
start button (>) inside.
3. I had to open Lichess in a separate window or on a second device and enter the Tournament
4. When the game starts, which I only saw on Lichess, I had to press the start button and another window in WP opened stating
„Currently Running: XXX vs Pak-Kli“ with a „Get back in“ button underneath. (Will try and post the screenshot I took on the
5. This opens the game on WP and you can move your moves on the eOne.
6. The „flag“ button is for making a draw offer, while the „resting King“ (I first thought it was a volume logo) is used to resign.
I am not 100 % sure, as I did not note it down, but I believe both buttons require a confirmation that hitting it once by accident
is no problem.
7. After at the end of the match, it makes sense to ...
a. „Pause“ the Tournament in Lichess,
b. press the three dots in the right upper corner of WP and „Exit the Game“,
c. set up the eOne,
d. check whether the board is still connected with WP and you are signed in at Lichess,
e. „Enter“ the Tournament in Lichess and monitor the start of the next match => 4. above.
8. The „move announcement“ function in the WP settings is quite helpful. You can set different languages.
For English I find a speed above 0.4 to be too fast.
9. The Test Tournament was a great success for me, as I could try out stuff and make mistakes without ruining the fun for others,
annoy them and loose some of the rating points I scraped together ... - would simply not done it.
Last but not least, I would use the chat function in Lichess. If you have a tablet that works with a split screen, running Lichess and WP side-by-side is quite comfortable for chatting and as an immediate fall-back line, if the eOne and WP run into trouble with each other.

@Johannsson & @Toni_Libralon, please correct and supplement based on your findings from tonight.
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