
Why Don't Americans Attempt a Communist Revolution Already?

@mango-in-my-teeth said in #29:
> That doesn't count because SOMEONE made sure it was not gonna count, and preferred to see a brutal military dictatorship than giving socialism / communism a chance. So that SOMEONE would be able to say: comlunism has always failed everywhere.

It doesn't count because it doesn't count.

Like if I claim I can hold my breath for 120 seconds but get interrupted after 5 seconds for literally whatever reason imaginable, then I haven't prooved I can hold my breath for 120 seconds.
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@Waiting4BirnamWood said in #33:
> I'm not one of these doctors, I didn't advocate communism. Countries like Norway or Sweden are definitely good examples of a successful mixed economy. Unfortunately, there are too many people in other countries who believe that "trickle down" works, that low wages help and that state interventionism is generally counterproductive. Perhaps the Nordics have the strongest sense of community.

It's strange to me that not so many countries just copy-paste one of the Nordic models, there's 4 countries with slightly different systems that all give great results. Maybe there's some special Nordic culture stuff that makes the models only work here, idk.
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@Waiting4BirnamWood said in #35:
> Four countries with top performances in education, quality of life, human development, etc. - that cannot be a coincidence. I think you're right. The "Nordic way of life" is a cultural peculiarity and would not work in other countries.

Seems to me that investing in free high quality education would work in most places? Becase when they get high paid jobs with their for-free engineer or computer science degree, the taxes pay for the education, so it's a big profit.

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