
Why Don't Americans Attempt a Communist Revolution Already?

The world isnt ready for communism. Our means of production isnt at a point where you can have a system like that. I could see it happening one day, but not in my lifetime. Lenin was a moron trying to make it work in an economically backwards 1917 Russia, with predictable results. The real tragedy was that Marx sought economic emancipation. He sought greater economic freedom for the masses, not a police state and mass repression. He would have been horrified if he would have lived to see where Lenin would take his ideas.

So no, communism is not the answer for the United States, lol! Half the country goes into a red scare over a guy like Bernie Sanders, and he isn't anywhere near being a communist. By Canadian standards, he is a left wing moderate.
Americans are indoctrinated into neoliberal capitalist ideology through nearly every social institution, especially education and mass media. The billionaire oligarchy has managed to get the American people to go along with the status quo by making it seem like the best course of action and the natural order of things.

It's a tragic example of false consciousness.
there's many non-indoctrinated Americans but there definitely aren't enough of us. And it's not black and white - Bernie Sanders run is a great example of how they used people who would've supported him ultimately if he had got the nomination - against him, by manipulating his figure into something that somehow helped the 'other side' - and convincing the people inbetween that they needed to settle for another neo-lib because its the only thing everyone could agree upon.

But in reality over 50% of people were willing to vote for the things that he stood for - universal healthcare, taking steps to actually reel in the .1%, etc.
Please, please no.

I come from a post-socialistic country, and trust me, few things can be more destructive to a nation. Don't kill the small amount of freedom the world still has.
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@InkyDarkBird said in #1:
> Given the amount of vehement comments hating on America's current capitalist system in, why don't Americans turn to communism?
> No more taxes, everyone gets money, land, and healthcare, etc.
> And political parties for communism have been formed with somewhat success already, such as the Black Panther Party.

It seems abundantly clear that America, the best educated nation on the planet, simply does not have enough Useful Idiots to accomplish the revolution.

Thank you Jesus for America !

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