
Do you think you're smart?

Жизнь непредсказуема, стараюсь тренировать свою сообразительность . Быть глупым, не позволительная роскошь для седин.
if it is in the sense of a value judgment - more or less intelligent than someone, I will not comment. if it is in the sense of being intelligent as an individual, I prefer to leave it to others to judge.

@A_Dragon_Riding_King I agree with this famous quote from Socrates, and i want to add a quote from Plato:

"Wise people speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something".
I bet a private poll on this topic would see a lot more people call themselves smart than public posts purport ;)
I'm smart enough not to underestimate anyone.

Intelligence comes in many shapes and colors.
im not sure,sometimes i think i am smart,sometimes i think i am the dumbest person on earth,but usually i think i am smart
@salmon_rushdie said in #26:
> I bet a private poll on this topic would see a lot more people call themselves smart than public posts purport ;)

"65% of Americans believe they are above average in intelligence" (

If everyone's above average, where's the average? I wonder...
@greenteakitten said in #29:
> "65% of Americans believe they are above average in intelligence" (
> If everyone's above average, where's the average? I wonder...
What about the 15% not counted in that poll because they couldn't figure out how to do it? :P

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