
Do you think you're smart?

@clousems said in #3:
> No.
> I'm book-smart, witty, and eloquent (which makes other people think I'm smart), but I'm prone to doing really stupid things.
This is the answer I wanted to post. I'm kinda smart and have sicck humour but I make many dumb mistakes.

I'm book-smart, witty, and eloquent (which makes other people think I'm smart), but I'm prone to doing really stupid things.

Couldn't relate more!
Yeah, everyone here thinks they are smarter than average. This is not how averages work.
@LordSupremeChess said in #17:
> so you're saying my idiotic statement is above average?
> yay!
Advanced math! Only futuristic average minds will know. The above average ones will teach it.
@HerkyHawkeye said in #18:
> Advanced math! Only futuristic average minds will know. The above average ones will teach it.

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