
my first 24 hours using a DGT board on lichess

@dsommerfeld #20
I havce your very same setup. I can't reverse the board because is inserted in a niche of the table with holes for cabling. A wooden lid is placed over the board when not in use, so to level the table and hide it.
When i want to play as black I simply put the black chessmen in front of me, and the Livechess program detects the starting position as "REVERSE=YES". Everything works fine then
Bracco, thanks... but there is something unclear...

1st If start a match with white and accept a rematch... my chessman's are not in the right position and I have only 30 secs?
2ns if your white men's in front and you make a random game and now you got black... Now the same you must reorganize the chessmens in 30 seconds...

Or if there is a mistake in my thoughts

@dsommerfeld #22
That's exactly the drawback of having a DGT board in a "hard wired" position.

I can't accept or offer random games. I have 50% of chances to get the color matching the position of the board, quite annoying if I get the wrong one, isn't it? Unless you decide to play as if you sit in the opposit side of your pieces...

Now I just offer games where my color is clearly declared in advance and I join games where I know which color I'll play, setting up my board accordingly
@Sneaky_Attack regarding sliding: As you already suspect, sliding is only a problem (yet) with the integration. When playing 1:1 on the board, you can slide as hell, which won't be a problem. You can slide a rook back and forth ten times and finally release it, no problem, the board detects the move properly.

No advertisement - the Acid Ape Chess software (for Android) allows playing with the DGT board (but not for free) on Lichess. Here the sliding works fine.
Hi gingantaure and all other users, I bought a DGT board, using LiveChess on Windows, everything works nice. Now I tried to enable my PC with Lubuntu (Ubuntu 18.4.5 LTS). I installed LiveChess, it starts, but no USB ports detects my board. The Serial Ports, shown by typing ctrl+M, show the failure "failed to open port, retrying" :(
Using lsusb in the terminal I see the board (Hitachi ...). I also tried to install Posix and dgtdrv, but without success.
Can you guess why?
My friend has the board and loves the experience. It's like a real chess game, and its super fun. If you are thinking of investing, it's a good investment!
Hi, thanks for your answer. Of course I read the first Post and I actually tried sudo /opt/DGTLiveChess/DGTLiveChess, but with no success...
@gigantaure and all others - I have been using lichess and DGT board for last few months. Overall I am liking it because as mentioned in the first post it makes me feel like I am playing against a human opponent.

Lately I have been experiencing a problem, which is stopping me from using the board. I have documented it in the feedback post here -

Short summary is game suddenly finishes because somehow I end up getting disconnected unexpectedly when I am using the DGT board. This is a reproducible bug and it would be great if someone could find the behaviour behind it (or suggest steps to investigate and I am happy to volunteer).

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