
About technical name of the club (in the link).

Did you know in what order the clubs are listed on the player profile page? Did you think in alphabetical order in a technical name written in Latin? No, this is only the third most important sorting parameter. Second are digits. And the first one is sorting by the presence of a special sign before the technical name of the club (in the link). I've only seen hyphens so far. There is a hyphen in the name - and the club will be shown higher than the club with the letter "a" at the beginning of the name. The more hyphens there are, the higher the position.
Here are some examples: - 4 hyphens. - 2 hyphens. - 2 hyphens. - 1 hyphen. - 1 hyphen. (club is administrated by moderator) - 1 hyphen. (club is administrated by moderator) - 1 hyphen. - 1 hyphen. - 1 hyphen.

Foreshadowing the next question - It's not possible to change Lichess team name after you
created it. Source:
(Since my previous post can no longer be edited, I will add it here)
There are several more similar clubs:

1. In my opinion, Lichess moderators in their clubs have the right to use 1 hyphen as a way to promote these clubs. As well as any official Lichess clubs.
2. The ability to use emoticons in the title was probably introduced in 2023/2024, that is, much later. Probably, all the creators of new clubs can use it. Emoticons have a much greater effect on attracting people to clubs than using hyphens. Therefore, now the advantage of those who used multiple hyphens is greatly smoothed out.
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Using hyphens is not needed!
As advertising teams is not allowed, here's a hint!
@Rankrotten said in #4:
> Using hyphens is not needed!
> As advertising teams is not allowed, here's a hint!

I "THINK" I know what you did there...
I THINK IT's a reference to a 90+30 team based on thinking which is not done in 4+4 variant arenas, perhaps it's one of Fhunfi's teams?