
Is it possible to change a team/clubs name ?

Just wondering as I have one whose name I want to change slightly

Thank you for any help :)
@Tbootpoo said in #1:
> Just wondering as I have one whose name I want to change slightly
> Thank you for any help :)
Unfortunately, no. It's not possible to change Lichess team name after you created it. You can close it and create a new one. Best of luck!
@Tbootpoo said in #1:
> Just wondering as I have one whose name I want to change slightly
> Thank you for any help :)
maybe there is the possibility of writing an email to Lichess to ask, but I have no idea if that is possible now. I had to do almost as said @wonderfulstyle
> maybe there is the possibility of writing an email to Lichess to ask

The answer is still going to be a no.
lol, ok, thank you for the replies, I guess it will have to stay as is then.

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