

WIM Efremova Lichess coach picture

WIM Julia Efremova

Быть хорошим игроком недостаточно — нужно еше хорошо играть. Зигберт Тарраш

Språkрусский язык
RatingFIDE: 2128231322751966
Timepris20$ - 30$ в зависимости от уровня
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WIM GuadalupeBesso Lichess coach picture

WIM Guadalupe Besso

“El Ajedrez es un juego absolutamente lógico que tiene sus leyes generales que se pueden comprender intuitivamente o trabajando muchísimo. " (G. Kasparov)

StedSan Luis Argentina
TimeprisConsultar precio / Duracion de clase 1:30 hrs / Temario / Contenido didáctico extra / Partidas de entrenamiento.
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IM BrandonClarke Lichess coach picture

IM Brandon Clarke

English, Australian & New Zealand Champion

Sted England
SpråkEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2500
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FM uglinskih1967 Lichess coach picture

FM Александр Углинских

Мастер ФИДЕ. Тренер по шахматам с 1987 года.

Stedгород Кушва Свердловская область Russia
Språkрусский язык
RatingFIDE: 23262491252025322216
Timepris1200 руб . за час с одним учеником и по 700 руб. с двумя учениками.
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IM MIack Lichess coach picture

IM Máximo Iack

'Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece.' — Ralph Charell

StedNatal/RN Brazil
SpråkPortuguês, Español
RatingFIDE: 23391968
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IM Pendlerschach Lichess coach picture

IM Martin Brüdigam

"Play - identify your weaknesses - work on them and improve - repeat." Have fun in the process!

StedPotsdam/Berlin Germany
SpråkDeutsch, English (US)
TimeprisTraining: 40 €
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GM Davor_Rogic Lichess coach picture

GM Davor Rogic

Coaching on human way and teaching how to play classical chess.

Sted Croatia
SpråkEnglish (US), Hrvatski
RatingFIDE: 241225302453
Timepris40€/1 hour; 350€/10 hours Email:
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FM Nuel1 Lichess coach picture

FM Enmanuel de Jesús De la Fe Almeida

Take care of yourself! You are your biggest obstacle.

StedSan Luis, Santiago Cuba
SpråkEspañol, English (US), Français, русский язык, Deutsch
Timepris6 a 10€ por hora de clases, 5 € por hora para partidas de entrenamiento WhatsApp +5359503429 por Lichess
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IM CoachBen Lichess coach picture

IM Benjamin Gongora Montes

Hola, Estoy listo para ayudarte a mejorar tu juego y a guiarte en el camino del entrenamiento profesional ¡Contáctame!

StedMexico City Mexico
RatingFIDE: 2198
Timepris30 USD
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GM Craze Lichess coach picture

GM Max Illingworth

Looking To Help 10 Chess Players Rated <1600 Elo Gain 200+ Rating Within A Year

StedSydney Australia
SpråkEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 249231002619
TimeprisUSD $100 for the first 1-hour lesson; then USD $1000 per 10-lesson package (next 2 students only)
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