
Round 1 Pairings

pknm - blunderman1
Saturday 3/3 21:00 GMT
Round of #128 match result:

9:00am PST, (8:00pm MSK) 2/27/18

TaylorEternity - 6.0 RussianDragun - 3.0
Mugwort vs just2play
Saturday 10th March, 9pm GMT
I PM-ed my opp (gekkokamen) several days ago with my dates, but still no response (though he was active everyday) Is there a way other than PM to make the arrangenents?
TaylorEternity seems like you won 7-3 (10 games in a match even if one player has won).
vsshk - CrazyHome
March 6, Tuesday, 9pm Bangalore time = 6.30pm Moscow time

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