
Search "user:Crushing_Kings"

18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Bug: Multiple Solutions#2

The Puzzle:

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Bug: Multiple Solutions#1

I was solving puzzles when i came across one which had 2 winning moves... 1.Nf3 & 1.Nf1 Both are giving +4.5 & +3 respectively but only Nf3 is considered correct but not Nf1, they both are giving us c…

Lichess Feedback - Multiple moves winning, but only one move considered to be correct#3

@nadjarostowa said in #2: > exf6 is not winning. As simple as that. :-) Feel free to propose a variation. hey there, if you know thats not winning and is a draw, can you please share the variation con…

Lichess Feedback - Multiple moves winning, but only one move considered to be correct#1

Hello, I was just going through & solving puzzles when I came across a puzzle which has 2 winning moves but only 1 considered to be correct. Which should be ok as the puzzles ask us to find the BEST m…

Lichess Feedback - A small Bug.#1

Hello Everyone! There is a small bug when you are at your highest rating and you are refunded some rating points which you have lost to someone who violated the Lichess TOS. If you look at my classica…

General Chess Discussion - New Year Resolution#5

I will stop wasting time... like i am doing now.... uhhhh....

Lichess Feedback - CALLING ALL PATRONS: If you are a Patron, can you disable the orange DONATE ad?#27

@IbrahimMoizoos said in #9: > Thanks! Optimistic that this aggressive ad campaign pays off and Lichess can grow as a company to compete with Chesscom, especially after the PMG acquisition. Competition…

General Chess Discussion - 0+0 games - I found people playing 0+0 (Revealed)#15

ok, #3 You can look at the time below and above the board, one for white and one for black

General Chess Discussion - 0+0 games - I found people playing 0+0 (Revealed)#12

@Supervision993 I just saw a game and there were no increment,

General Chess Discussion - What's this mate called?#6

Sorry, if my English is bad, but i mean it the funny way.... I saw that in my brain like: You:What's this mate called? Me: A checkmate. Sorry if that was rude.... i did not mean that. @Georgii_Surov_S…
