
What system type do you think should rule society (in any era); Political or religious system?

Why should a footballer get paid ten times the wage of a nurses yearly salary every week? The distribution of wealth is ridiculous and doesn't serve us as human beings and the devil knows it. Money is the last hold the devil has over the world, burn it and the devil loses xxx
@SimonBirch said in #31:
> Money is the last hold the devil has over the world, burn it and the devil loses xxx

I don’t know what religious system you believe in, but do you really think that getting rid of money is the solution? As if the Devil would simply give up just because we got rid of a specific type of governance. Additionally, giving up money sounds a whole lot like communism, which only works if everyone is always kind, giving, sharing, and compassionate, which is completely unrealistic.

Finally, the devil has already lost, by the mighty death and resurrection of Jesus!

Note: I don’t necessarily disagree that the distribution of wealth is completely out of order, but fixing that will not solve everything. Again, equalizing wealth is just another form of communism, which doesn’t work.
@dstne said in #32:
> I don’t know what religious system you believe in, but do you really think that getting rid of money is the solution? As if the Devil would simply give up just because we got rid of a specific type of governance. Additionally, giving up money sounds a whole lot like communism, which only works if everyone is always kind, giving, sharing, and compassionate, which is completely unrealistic.
> Finally, the devil has already lost, by the mighty death and resurrection of Jesus!
> Note: I don’t necessarily disagree that the distribution of wealth is completely out of order, but fixing that will not solve everything. Again, equalizing wealth is just another form of communism, which doesn’t work.

Open your mind to eutopia, completely finish the devil's system that will only ever lead to dystopia ,we,as humans have to throw away the system of money , chasing money and making money xxx love must prevail xxx
@SimonBirch said in #33:
> Open your mind to eutopia, completely finish the devil's system that will only ever lead to dystopia ,we,as humans have to throw away the system of money , chasing money and making money xxx love must prevail xxx

There will always be a large segment of our society who will not allow peace.; Violence and power is their only focus. History shows us over and over that those who reject the warrior lifestyle, they always become subjects of those who prepare for war.
@Ghost_of_Self said in #35:
> There will always be a large segment of our society who will not allow peace.; Violence and power is their only focus. History shows us over and over that those who reject the warrior lifestyle, they always become subjects of those who prepare for war.

Well we can only speak to their better nature , that God loves and forgives all ,we're all Gods children after all xxx
@SimonBirch said in #36:
> Well we can only speak to their better nature , that God loves and forgives all ,we're all Gods children after all xxx.
God’s children tried to take what wasn’t theirs for hundreds of years during the Crusades. They then went out into the world and wiped out 90% of the indigenous people of the Americas. The better nature of God is. The better nature of his people is not universal. The God of the Old Testament was a just God who led his people to great victories all over the planet. Jesus said to turn the other cheek. God is immutable. Jesus is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The followers of Jesus believe in human sacrifice (My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?). They drink his blood and eat his flesh.
Do you believe in human sacrifice, vampirism, and cannibalism?
@WassimBerbar said in #1:
> Do you think it's better to base everything on political governmentalisation?
> Or do you think it's better to base every major decision on religion?
> Why?
> Please keep it fair and polite, I don't want chaos.

I think there should be a system where power is earned, rather than obtaining it via a power grab! Climbing up the ranks based on compassion towards others and personal merit is a much better process imo.

In such a system, much like getting a drivers license with an insurance rate determines someone's cost of driving after factoring in vehicle, fuel, and maintenance costs rightfully so - I believe political leaders should be licensed in their expertise - paying their own "insurance" cost of their leadership while government taxes and pays for the vehicle of government - figuratively. Basically that looks like paid for accountabilty combined with a sustainable model "driving people" for people's purposes.

So, in such a system- education plays an important part. Now, what if someone like copernicus wants to challenge the traditional narrative of the solar system then I believe there should be a valid process for changing and challenging the system. The status quo can and should be challenged/changed through a peaceful process, from time to time, but convincing the minds of the educated elite requires them to open their minds and listen to each case without harsh judgments to the individual(s) making their claims.

All in all the system would look to empower people based on the hiarchry of power that successfully organized it, being qualified too, earning it from past generations before them - being ready to lead when it's their turn to lead.

Also, I believe in corporations and capitalism too, being a reasonable system for people getting ahead, regulated by government which empowers them, of course.