
The prediction of 5 billion deaths because of Nuclear Winter seems to be overly exaggerated to me.

Nobody knows for certain what will happen, but it could be good for most people:

To know how to store rice, for years, so you can get good promotions and then stock it.

To install sun energy in your house, since it's becoming cheaper and cheaper, and it's an independent source of energy.

If your country allows it, buy home guns, like shotguns, easy to use, and keep it locked until war begins :)

You may disagree, that was my opinion. Change it ;D
I think people should stop complaining that WW3 will kill everyone, cause it won't, and start adopting measures to increase their survivability.
@weplaychess90 said in #12:
> I think people should stop complaining that WW3 will kill everyone, cause it won't, and start adopting measures to increase their survivability.
Exactly! And you don’t even need to invent anything - just remember the 50s.
@bfchessguy said in #7:
> Are we discussing if nuclear war is a good idea??

No, we're just saying it's not as bad an idea as we thought.

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