
Superman Review

If you could temporarily possess any superpower, like flying, invisibility, or super strength, how would you use it to make the most of your day? Would you zip around the world, explore secret places, or maybe help out in extraordinary ways?
let's make a checklist:

flying would be dangerous, there are a lot of planes in the sky and this risks disrupting bird migrations.

I don't swim, so anything related to water that isn't tamed doesn't concern me. sorry aquaman.

go fast like flash? why, we can never take enough advantage of the present time, and I already play bullet quite quickly. and I can't even get into a normal car without pushing the seats all the way back!

to be strong ? I have the strength I need, and I'm not Arnold to have bodybuilding muscles (although I wouldn't mind eating ice cream at night).

To be indestructible? no one wants to destroy me, I'm not old household appliances.

to be invincible? I don't fight (except in intellectual debate, where again, the word fight is metaphorical, since it represents the contradiction of at least two different visions of the same thing).

I'm not interested in having armor like Iron Man, we're not in the Middle Ages anymore.
and I don't understand why Thanos needed an infinity glove from Swarovski when there is the same one at Walmart (which shines less but works just as well).

after all, my experienced and my ego tells me that the true pursuit for super power must be wisdom. Even if it's not a super power, since anyone can have it, but few can take the trouble to look for it.
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