
Someone should take me on 8 mile style

<Comment deleted by user>
I can't stand it
I know you planned it
I can't stand rocking
when I'm in here
'Cause your crystal ball
ain't so crystal clear
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this fucking thorn in my side
Oh my God, it's a mirage
I'm tellin' y'all, it's a sabotage

You ever hear of this? Salmon R be a lyricist frontin' on a trans-american superiacist
Drop you delirious, dead serious, sorry for the abyss
Can you persevere through this? Zurel will still insist that he has the brains of an astrophysicist
Give up son - don't resist, we know who'll be drinkin' piss, damn it's hideous
@clousems said in #13:
> I can't stand it
> I know you planned it
> I can't stand rocking
> when I'm in here
> 'Cause your crystal ball
> ain't so crystal clear
> So while you sit back and wonder why
> I got this fucking thorn in my side
> Oh my God, it's a mirage
> I'm tellin' y'all, it's a sabotage
You just watch the "labyrinth"? :p
@clousems said in #13:
> I can't stand it
> I know you planned it
> I can't stand rocking
> when I'm in here
> 'Cause your crystal ball
> ain't so crystal clear
> So while you sit back and wonder why
> I got this fucking thorn in my side
> Oh my God, it's a mirage
> I'm tellin' y'all, it's a sabotage

I don't need a magic crystal, to tell me to fire a cannon ball.
So your telling us you can't stand tall?
Yeah, You're so short, that when I tip you over, it won't be a long fall.
Shit, your fat belly with all it's pound, probably protects your head from hitting the ground.

You can't endure the heat?
Because you can't stand the beat!
Everytime you go rocking in a mosh pit, you go " p-p-please don't come too close I can't bear it."
You get a Motorhead shirt and cries "my mom says I can't wear it"

You pygmy, you dwarf. A hobbit with grand deluding.
"oh my gosh, people are so intruding"
Forgive me for my intrusions, It's impolite to attack some already on the ground...

But then I realized. Rather standing or laying down,
You still measure the same height.
Your diameter around your belly, still cares the same blight.

Let me tell you something about clousems, you don't know.
True or false, doesn't matter, it all for show.

This little noob, he even brings his mother to the metro, because he is afraid to travel alone on the tube.
Such a loser, this poor freak, perfect example of a Lichess geek.

He portrays himself as an upcoming millionaire, in truth, he is the slumdog doctrinaire.
clousems cheats on Adam Smith.
Every night he takes out Carl Marx and reads a little bit.

Hey clousems.
As for the thorn in your side,
I only left it there momentarily, while I waited for the Cabal to decide.

Pitchforks are ready.
Haymakers are steady.
Hanging?, burning? I alone can't decide.
But let's Salem this idiot...
Oh wait...
Sorry Lichess, for breaking your forum etiquette.

I don't intend to be publicly shaming,
I just love rap battles and rhymes as a sort of lyrical gaming :-D
I may have been too rude in my last post.
I attacked clousems, even though he wasn't the thread host.
For this I am sorry, and I regret it.
I am pretty sure he cried, after he saw the Carl Marx line and read it.

So let me go straight to the source.
Bringing bars, fierce like Greeks warriors charging out from underneath the Trojan horse.

@Zurel you are unknown to me. But okay, I'll play.
Even though you're just a pebble on my way.
At best you can be a nuisance, like a stone stuck underneath my shoe, after I stomp on you.

I can't remember seeing you on Lichess before.
And I doubt, after this, we will see you any more.

You wanna go 8 mile on me?
Where Eminem was at his weakest.
That movie in Denmark is rated PG13.
But it made him a millionaire,
So I guess the bible was right, the world is inherent by the meekest.
@Zurel No reply. Guess I win by default. You are just as geeky as that computer nerd Thibault.

You're a no show, like a mythical yeti.
What's the matter, did you choke on your mom's spaghetti?

Or are you just a keyboard warrior? Boosting you can take on anyone.
But when push comes to shove, you hide in your chicken run.

Just a craven, too afraid to put words to the letter.
But this is rap battle, so let me give this coward a white feather.

Last chance to get your words out, you are already behind one round in this lyrical bout.
Check this out:

You think you're doing rap
But really it's crap.
None of your rhyme
Is worth a dime.
What you call hip-hop
Is just collecting every trope!

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