
Let's start WW3! (story chain remake)

@LordSupremeChess A herd of mountain goats, heard about This and decided to take action.

While Dubai was busy creating its own flood, the goat herd, led by Billy The Kid, stole a squadron of Iranian drones and sent them on a one way mission to hit Burger King. BK shot them all down using anti aircraft artillery firing eco friendly vegan chips. Greta applauded from her cell.

Biden didn’t notice any of this because he was busy doing running on the spot impressions, making the audience go ‘Ra ra ra’.

The goats went on holiday to Haiti where they are looking to form a new government.

Clousems was in a deep sleep counting sheep.
If Clousems wakes up it will be like getting a brace of hard boiled eggs for breakfast.
and joe (mama)appeared and beat everone up
and gegagedigedao spawned and ended humanity
The goats Join Ronald Mc Donald to destroy the Rest of 4,4% humans + 1% of radioactive zombies that were created during the nuclear blasts.
@weplaychess90 said in #17:
> The goats Join Ronald Mc Donald to destroy the Rest of 4,4% humans + 1% of radioactive zombies that were created during the nuclear blasts.
And then an old lady came up and killed the zombie and ate free mcdonalds from ronald mcdonalds
and then suddenly a new nuclear bomb blast happened which killed everyone and the whole hiroshima- nagasaki got blasted