

Your mom is so sensitive, when she touches water, she thinks a chemical reaction has occured.

Please read the title carefully.
"A very amateur blogwriter"
That's in your profile description. You should have added "A VERY amateur joker" as well.
@WantedAName said in #1:
> Your mom is so sensitive, when she touches water, she thinks a chemical reaction has occured.
> Please read the title carefully.
He copied from Siri in roast battle
Man...^~^ I'll never forget my grandads last words to me just before he died: "Are you still holding the ladder?"
So, I was on a date. Just having a normal conversation with my partner. And she asked "Who do you work with?", I said "I work with animals". "Thats so sweet!" she replied "I love a guy who cares about animals, where do you work?" she'd add. I told her; "Im a butcher-...". And that's how I lost my first partner :)
Father: how was your day in school today son?
Son: it is not good to ask like that because I never ask how you did in office.
Father: how was your day in school today son?
Son: it is not good to ask like that because I never ask how you did in work.
-Father: how was your day in school?
-Daughter: I hate it. All day the kids bullied me, called me names and even stole my lunch money.
I swear tomorrow I will find a better teaching job.
Did you Hear about the New Pirate Movie?
It's Rated...Rrrrrr - :]
A one-armed man cried when he saw the sign on the SecondHand store

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