
if higher educated people know better and they run the world,why does the world suck so much?


First of all, higher educated people do not "run the world", as already previously pointed out by @Thalassokrator

But if you are talking about governments run by aristocracy, monarchs, etc. it's worth noting that:

1) These governments are rarely actually completely controlled by the top. Most modern governments still involve the people to a certain extent, with the keyword being "most" before ya'll cancel me off a cliff.

2) Most people have really, really good intentions for society. There is a common saying: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - and it's true. You could see a truly beautiful future where no one is starving where all our needs are met etc. - and only need a couple steps to achieve it. Then you try to achieve it and everything goes wrong. It's not that people haven't tried to fix things in the world. It's just that it is much, much harder to fix problems than you think it is.

3) Wars are started by people, that, again, think they have good intentions. Wars can be fought for secular (It's my land!) reasons, like the current two wars in Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine, as well as so many other wars, or they can be fought for religious reasons (whether you choose to group Israel-Palestine in this category instead is your choice).

Point is, people think they're doing a good thing for their country. Sometimes the people to start wars are people that think war is all about glory. People that have never seen the horrific reality of war. People that demand sacrifice and nationalism - without ever being on the front lines.

Sometimes people know exactly what war is about. They fight war not because they want to. But because they have to. They have to fight in order to preserve something they love, whether it be a country, a family, an ally, or anything valued to them.

Then, countries realize that if they're behind militarily they'll be easy targets for the next war. Is that thinking irrational? I'll leave it to you to think about. But the reality is that they feel like they need to develop militarily. They feel the "need" - and so they do.

4) Greed plays a big part too. When you have power to sway large portions of the world with your worldview, whether you be an activist, a famous actor/actress, a celebrity, a millionaire/billionaire, and so on - you're likely to start taking things for yourself. Of course, referring back to #2 - not all of what we see as greed is initially greed. Sometimes it's good intentions (aka I take this for myself, so that I can give it back, slowly...) and other times it's just thinly disguised bs designed to take as much for oneself as possible.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg! The world doesn't run in the same oversimplified manner that we see it running as. Even the highest educated people cannot solve the world's problems.

But you know what we all can do? We can make small changes, one at a time. And when we are all involved in helping our respective causes, we can make big waves in the ocean, one step at a time :)

I've heard people describe the human race as the stars. And I see it this way: we are all stars in the night sky. An individual star is not very bright, and if I asked you to search for that individual star, you probably won't find it. There's just too many stars in the sky. But what if that star was particularly bright? Now maybe you see it a bit better. Yet still you do not see that star very well. Because at the end of the day, it's just one star, out of the thousands you can see with the naked eye. (There are yet farther stars you do not see, stars that are bright and brighter still, yet we do not see because we choose not to see. We choose not to use the telescope, use technology to reach. Maybe this is a bad analogy, but I think it's really kind of similar to how we choose to not help people on the other side of the world and turn the other way.)

Now with many stars comes constellations. With constellations comes stories, beautiful stories told over thousands of years. With stories comes power and culture, and with groups of people we will become strong as well.

I also just wanted to mention (but didn't wanna edit my original post because it's already too long lol) that education involves educating the body, brain, and mind.

Education is exercise. When you run, you are educating your body.
Education is learning empathy. Learning "brotherhood". Learning to sympathize with others and understand their problems. You are educating your mind.
Education is learning history so that we do not repeat it.
Education is learning language so that we can pass valuable life lessons to others.
Education is learning social skills so that we can all communicate.
Education is learning science so that we can engineer solutions to problems in our world.
Education is learning technology so we can know how to further it for everyone's benefit.

Education is in just about everything we do daily. The power to do better is in education, and by education we learn the skills we need in life.

A higher educated person is not necessarily someone with a MD per se, but also somebody deeply empathetic that cares about others.

Dammit I hung my queen on accident in the CAPTCHA! I guess that's an educational moment too isn't it ;)
This is because the highest, educated people, despite being educated, misuse the way that they would be active in the world.
Because they have money, and have never lived on the street , when it's all gone to sh** rich people have no clue what it's like to be on the poverty line, they don't even know how much a pint of milk costs because they don't even shop for themselves. It's the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer xxx
Education isn't meant to make you smarter; it's designed to brainwash you. You're supposed to contribute to society, be ready to commit suicide by going into war, and get children who'll be the next victims. That's why education is legally mandatory and mental hospitals force-feed people that're minding their own buisness, because those aren't good slaves.
@Shadow1414 said in #46:
> Education isn't meant to make you smarter; it's designed to brainwash you. You're supposed to contribute to society, be ready to commit suicide by going into war, and get children who'll be the next victims. That's why education is legally mandatory and mental hospitals force-feed people that're minding their own buisness, because those aren't good slaves.

That is open to debate. There are those of us (and I am one) who believe that "an educated person is someone who perceives accurately, thinks clearly, and acts effectively on self-selected goals.” Yeah, I believe that my solemn duty as a teacher is to help students develop and improve their own shock-proof BS detectors, figure out what is really happening and their place in it, what they want and how to get there despite everything thrown in their way... Teaching as a subversive activity? Guilty as charged. And not alone.
@Oportunist said in #1:
> I think it is because getting a high education gives you a lot of information but sadly most of these people don't know how to come to decent conclusions with the info. To save the world we must raise good hearted fair people[...]

Good hearted like David "Woody" Pecker?
Will Rogers said

" There is nothing so ignorant as an educated man
once you get him off the subject he's been educated in".
The answer here is simple. The world sucks because you know nothing about fashion. You have no one to blame for that except yourself and perhaps your mother. So there.

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