
Am I addicted to forum posting?

I am also addicted to forums now. I only open lichess for forums. At this point I don't wanna play chess anymore
Maybe Just One more post, cos' this is gonna be the big one! :). lol
I'd think about designing a 12-step program, by analogy, to help people break an addiction to posting, but ....

many posters seem unwilling to imagine a Higher Power then themselves, upon which to rely.

Perhaps with patience, and the passage of time, things will improve.
@LordSupremeChess said in #1:
> That's all I do these days. Should perhaps I start playing chess again?

writing or speaking is not an addiction, so I wouldn't consider it an addiction. But, you must try to control the flow and think for a few minutes before each message, will this message be useful or interesting, no matter its size. chess should be fun, if you don't feel or like it, don't force yourself to start again.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #5:
> writing or speaking is not an addiction, so I wouldn't consider it an addiction. But, you must try to control the flow and think for a few minutes before each message, will this message be useful or interesting, no matter its size. chess should be fun, if you don't feel or like it, don't force yourself to start again.
well then explain why I am writing on a chess forum if not to play chess
@LordSupremeChess said in #6:
> well then explain why I am writing on a chess forum if not to play chess

You try to find people potentially safer than on other social networks.

moreover, the cover of anonymity, and the regular presence of the same people from one topic to another gave you confidence and you have more interest in this than in playing.

moreover, your ego makes you fear losing your rating or games or even both or none of both (and your esteem at the view of others)
@LordSupremeChess said in #1:
> That's all I do these days. Should perhaps I start playing chess again?
You know I am doing the exact same thing but its okay if you dont enjoy playing chess
I forum post and mostly play variant games
Well we play chess ( puzzles) with forum posting
And the puzzles are like begginers
Lichess should add like hard puzzles or play 1 game to post a forum

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