
Studies bug and downtime

Just try your best, don’t stress and if possible try to finish it quickly good luck!😊
I tried to make it sound so proffesional 😂😂😂
I could not give a lesson because I had information saved in my studies. But I have postponed it for tomorrow. These difficulties are unavoidable. Thank you team for all that you do for us.
oh dear and if there s a problem in lichess my study is fail too. also no prroblem but
Thanks for tackling the matter on study I can confirm that now studies do work as intended. Great job!
You should inform about it before giving the ability to create new studies. Lichess is free, but the UX is just bad.
> You should inform about it before giving the ability to create new studies

yes, i agree. they should totally hire a better astrologist / palm reader / oracle / other person who can see the future, so that they can inform about bugs before they are found.

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