
Is there any index of all the available sudies for Openings (like a book of openings)

I'd like to know if there is a way to have all the studies referring Openings' theories indexed and grouped, say by first move (e4, d4, e3, ...); so they can be used to learn new ones in disregard of previously knowing of the specific name or variant-name one is looking for. And then under each first move all the variants to study, there then, listed by name so one can be able to fully study any opening afterwards.

I imagine some index like:
* Sicilian Defense (and inside the canonical version and all its variants)
* French Defense (and inside the canonical version and all its variants)
* Ruy-López opening (and inside the canonical version and all its variants)
* Italian Game (and inside the canonical version and all its variants)
* Queen's Gambit (and inside the canonical version and all its variants)
* Slav Defense (and inside the canonical version and all its variants)
* King's Indian Defense (and inside the canonical version and all its variants)

and so on.

So what I am looking for is, instead of knowing there exists a defense called “Scandinavian Defense” and search of it among studies; being able to find it indexed anywhere under the possible openings starting with e4 so I could add it to my personal knowledge without needing to previously know of it existence. Something like a Book of Openings but pre-loaded on Lichess so I can be able to walk the openings through with the engine.

The analysis board ( has the “Opening explorer & tablebase” but lacks the list of available openings under every first-move and or the ability to keep on one opening learning all the base theoretical moves and the main variants for such opening.

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