
The devilish problem

Oh boy, took me awhile...

I got the first part but then ran into another wall.

But I think its like this:
White King is on f5, Black knight on g4, White pawn on g2, Black pawn on f4.

Move 1 Black knight on g4 moves to e5 resulting in
check from bishop

Move 2 White pawn on g2 goes to g4

Move 3 Black pawn on f4 takes en passant on g3, giving
double check from bishop and queen

Move 4 White king takes Black knight on e5
I trieds to stands it, but I couldn't stands it no more. I looked it up. I thought about a discovered check, but I couldn't work out how. I'm reporting this post for abuse and CCing the UN and your mom.
Followup question : how many checkmates-in-one does Black have in the final Diagram?
is that the full text of the puzzle sarg?
it's a weird position, it's black to play, the black king is in check, and the rook is attacked.
I'm going to guess the white king moved from b3 to a3 when it fell off the board.

edit: that is definitely wrong, b3 is controlled by the bishop too. I was thinking the white king moved to put the black king in check, but I can't see how that happened. I'm assuming the last white move captured a black piece but it hurts to think, and I don't like pain.
I found the solution pretty quickly, but only because I solved a similar problem a few weeks ago.

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