
Support Macer75's bid for staff member!

Erik is a little creep crook. Someone really needs to do some investigating into to see where all the money is going. They're charging $14/month for their Diamond. That's $168 a year and they provide next to nothing. Where's the money going? As we see from the link above, it's definitely not going to the employees. Where's the money? Is it even being reported accurately?

I think Erik needs to sit down with the IRS.
This is really ridiculous. Over @ they banned numerous (a lot) of people over the weekend for the same thing the OP had a problem over: Mentioning Lichess. Now, they didn't cancel my account but they did suspend all communications abilities from my account. After several emails back and forth with them, they're playing the "you don't seem sincere enough in your apology" game. Needless to say, the Diamond is being cancelled immediately now and I, too, want nothing more than to see that horrible, horrible, outdated website come crumbling down.

$168 a year for if you pay monthly. That's INSANE.
"Over @ they banned numerous (a lot) of people over the weekend for the same thing the OP had a problem over: Mentioning Lichess."

They probably think they have no choice. If they allowed freedom of speech they would be bankrupt in less than a year because lichess is thousands of time better than their disgusting website.

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