
Simul on 100 boards.

Hello, dear chessplayers.

First of all, thanks to Lichess Team for this absolutely amazing chess playzone which is full of great features!

I have tried different features and simuls are great.

I am wondering if it is a good idea to play a simul on 100 boards and which time control and other parameters of such a large simul would be best.

Thanks to all players for their feedback.
A 2+0 would be like playing a classical for us, but just a bullet for you.

I think the hardest part would be organising it
Yes, organising simuls is the hardest part for sure.

And maybe even 120/60 time control would be too fast for a simul on 100 boards.
That would be a nice event ! When do you plan to play this simul ?

May be 150 min + 75 sec ? But that seems long for players. They have to stay for 7 to 8 hours in front of their screen to play one game.

Why not 2 simul in a row for 50 players ? 120 min + 60 sec ?
I am not sure what time is the best to play this simul.

All of your ideas seem interesting, thank you!
100 just seems as magic and beautiful number.
The idea looks nice but Vinvin has a point. Players won't have that much time to dedicate to a single game. Most of them will just (have to) leave before the end.
Yes, I'd love to see 100 boards, too !
If it's during a working day, let's target the beginning of the evening 17:00 to 19:00 CET. (The problem would be length of the games to not finish in the middle of the night).
Or Saturday/Sunday around 14:00 CET.
Thanks Thibault, i agree with you.

What amount of players and time control would be best so that all players could play a game till the end?

Thanks Vinvin, these time periods make sense.

Thanks jimj12 and Kamilczak7 also for your feedback and ideas.

I have also created a simul team.
Maybe it can help to organize the simuls.

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