
Is Magnus Carlsen the GOAT? Of course he is

однажды капапланка сыграл одновременную сессионную игру.один из его противников идет на мат, как только игра начинается, а затем спрашивает капапланку, как я играл
вы показали очень нестандартную игру.Так почему вы не задействовали своих лошадей в игре до конца
Пешеходная концовка похожа на игру в гольф
Такой вопрос приходит в голову каждому, кто читает этот заголовок.
Шахматная хара-кроссворд хара Теперь вы с нетерпением ждете связи между шахматами и кроссвордом, не так ли?
«Всякий раз, когда вы видите хорошую машину, не спешите искать лучшую».
@ISAAKNYUTON said in #34:
> «Всякий раз, когда вы видите хорошую машину, не спешите искать лучшую».

you seem to be posting in the wrong language, so please if you can do this, then use a translator so we can understand what you're saying
I wish there was a way to to go back in time, grab Morphy and see a match between Morphy and Carlsen, given both proper amount of time to prepare, so Morphy could be brought up to date. But because I love both Legends, I am just going to call it a draw.
Morphy? Ridiculous! Morphy would be smashed. Morphy would be 2400 or a strong IM. Morphy was brilliant because the contenders was bad. All titled players today would be genuis if the level before was today - like in "The opera game" when Morphy's opponent blundered in the opening, so Morphy could do whatever he wanted to do with his attack. That kind of level maked Morphy superstrong, were he was the only one who were truly strong while rest of them played had several hundreds ratingpoints less. But in that "operagame" Morphy's opponent played like was less than 1300.

You bad Morphy, Fischer, Tal, and so on..players who were addicted to attack and saq pieces.
Of course they could because the others was lack of positional play and by tactics. Its like 2000 players playing against 1600..That difference.
But today Magnus are the genious one and the others arent so much bad either. All players today are strong positionally, tactically and strategical. 10 times more difficult now to be brilliant compared to Morphy's days, just because with the times are constantly in developing.
To put in this in context, Carlsen have hypotetically 54% chance to beat Fischer by computersimulations...well Carlsen have hypotetically 82% chance to beat first world champion - Steinitz.
Morphy are hyped up..with all respect for the guy, for everything, but this is to say that Michael Jackson arent king of pop, and even experienced him...
There is no final conclusion about all of this, but there is logical sence for everything...and also there is something like "crown a winner"
When it's come to example Morphy, many people preciate him and think he the real giant...well thats because of the legacy. Legacy of Tal, Fischer and so on....where is the legacy of Anand, Kramnik and other really great modern players??? I know it, they must die first, then people talking about them...You dondt preciate Carlsen now...then wait till he dies then..then everyone have only Carlsen in they're head. This is simpel.
@Wasted_Youth said in #11:
> Such a pointless discussion. Was Bach, Mozart or Beethoven the greatest composer of all time? Mozart ́s greatest works would have been without Bach unthinkable, same goes for Beethoven without both of his equally titanic predecessors. Can ́t we just leave it at that and be thankful for all this rich tradition of both music and brilliant chess games?
Why Magnus been called "Mozart of chess" when he was 17, and not "Bach of Chess or "Beethoven of chess"?
This discussion is all about who are the greatest chessplayer in history. Of course some say Fischer, or Tal, or Morphy, or Capablanca or something. But the real goat now are Carlsen. We have all our favorite, but it's nonsens to say Bach or Beethoven are the greatest of them all when Beethoven example have composed one of tematic of Mozart...
Ты пешеход, наступи и утони!
Или, если выдержите, доберитесь до служения...
Труд твой, победа твоя
В конце концов ты умрешь, пока...

Тысячи людей работают в поте лица
Один человек зарабатывает своим «умением»
Все пешеходы со своими смертями
Жизнь и жизнь дает королю...

Иногда приходится бунтовать, сначала выберите цель!
Выиграй пять, ничего страшного, если проиграешь.
Тогда, чтобы заработать больше,
Иногда жертва выходит на пешехода...

Думающий мозг, логическая атака.
Двигайтесь вместе в подходящем ритме.
И собери терпение с мужеством,
Вот и результат, вы его нашли: король и мат!

Это слово – золото, это слово – украшения!
Следует обратить внимание на стоимость
Положить в ту же коробку, конечно.
Шах тоже умер, когда шел пешком.
«Шахматы – игра, но непростая!

Вы должны уметь думать!

И долго не вставая со стула,

Верный, точный, мудрый в бою». Я бы сравнил мир с шахматной доской: Тот день, та ночь. А пешки? - мы с вами.

Двигайся, сжимай - и бей,

И положат их в темный ящик отдыхать.

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