
How to improve mouse speed?

@broodjebakpao said in #20:
> I calculated that if I cancel my chess. com premium membership in 10 months time the mouse will be “free”
> I also got a chrome extension where you automatically can analyse a chess. com game in lichess
> I am delusional enough that– if I wouldn’t be able to get faster– I would blame the mouse, so I would convince myself that I just need a better mouse, and that would in the long term cost me more money...
You should have asked more advice ... 150$ for a mouse is crazy unless your a gamer
To improve your mouse speed when playing chess on Lichess, you can try the following tips:

Adjust your mouse DPI: DPI (dots per inch) refers to the sensitivity of your mouse. Increasing the DPI can make your mouse cursor move faster across the screen, allowing for quicker and more precise movements. Most gaming mice have adjustable DPI settings, so check your mouse settings or software to make adjustments according to your preference.

Increase mouse pointer speed: You can increase the mouse pointer speed in your computer's settings. On Windows, go to the Control Panel or Settings, find the Mouse settings, and adjust the pointer speed slider. On macOS, go to System Preferences, select the Mouse settings, and adjust the tracking speed.

Use a larger mousepad: A larger mousepad gives you more space to move your mouse, allowing for longer and smoother strokes. This can help improve accuracy and speed in your chess moves.

Practice mouse control: Consistent practice and familiarity with your mouse will naturally improve your speed and accuracy. Spend time playing chess or engaging in other activities that require mouse control to develop muscle memory and become more comfortable with your movements.

Experiment with different grip styles: Experiment with different mouse grip styles to find one that feels most comfortable and allows for smooth movements. Common grip styles include palm grip, claw grip, and fingertip grip. Find the grip that suits you best for precise and fast mouse control.

Eliminate unnecessary movements: Minimize unnecessary mouse movements during games. Try to plan your moves in advance and make direct, efficient movements. This can help save time and improve your overall speed.

Remember that mouse speed is a personal preference, and what works best for one person may not work for another. It's important to find a balance between speed and accuracy that suits your playing style and comfort level. Regular practice and experimentation will help you find the settings and techniques that work best for you.

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