
Can you have an ACPL of 0?

Hi guys,
recently I have been thinking about if there is anyone who ever had an 0 ACPL in one game. I even analyzed a Stockfish 14 game against Leela and it showed an ACPL of 2, and not 0. How is 0 ACPL even possible?
I mean even if I replay a stockfish 14 game it doesn't say 0, although lichess has a stockfish 14 engine to analyze with.
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Yes, you CAN have a ACPL of 0 (especially in atomic)
Yes , I got it in an OTB game against my father.
Theoretically, it should be possible. You need to play the engine moves with the 'same depth' as Lichess uses for server-side analysis.
I guesss u can get it if ur opponent blunders and giveaway every single piece!!!!

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