
Can I still become a good chess player?

I have a question for you: why do you want to become good at chess?
#10, nah, I think one that gets the GM title has advantages beyond their control (high IQ, for example).
Some people have not found their potential. If you say it is impossible then how did Bill Wall (71) get his titles so late? Or Maurice Ashley? I am glad I don’t have your attitude or prospective. Also if I recall Botvinnik was also pretty late getting into chess at the master level.
I looked and found that Mikhail Chigorin got into chess at the age of 27.
"Abstract: More than 20 years ago, researchers proposed that individual differences in performance in such domains as music, sports, and games largely reflect individual differences in amount of deliberate practice, which was defined as engagement in structured activities created specifically to improve performance in a domain. This view is a frequent topic of popular-science writing—but is it supported by empirical evidence? To answer this question, we conducted a meta-analysis covering all major domains in which deliberate practice has been investigated. We found that deliberate practice explained 26% of the variance in performance for games, 21% for music, 18% for sports, 4% for education, and less than 1% for professions. We conclude that deliberate practice is important, but not as important as has been argued."
And the proof you have to start early? I understand some have natural talent that can just do it better than anyone else regardless of practice but if someone has the natural talent but they just started playing lets pretend one day ago they are not going to realise it overnight and become world champion. If you did not start playing chess until you were 15 what is holding you back if you have the natural talent of one in a billion or one in 7 billion to be the world champion or even a GM?
Rarely, one that starts late can become a GM (but that's possible). Now to become World Champion, it's unimaginable to have learnt chess after the age of 10...
Maybe but its still possible if you are one in 10 billion. Not saying it is likely by any standards.
Yasser Seirawan began playing chess at 12 and was world number 9 at one point.

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