
Announcing our new logo!

lichess is doing great work! The best sever in history so far. And the new logo is funny and fits. I think it is time for a donation soon :)
а нет ли и в самом деле у вас нужды в новом логотипе? у меня есть прекрасный вариант для вас, как раз вписывается в ваш бюджет! (Google Translate: But do you really need a new logo? I have a great option for you, just fits into your budget!)
I honestly have no idea what's true and what's a joke here. What I do know is that the present logo is rather ugly. Could I suggest that chess organisations stop basing their logos on the knight, and try to be a bit more original? Why not use the rook, bishop, queen, king, or even the humble pawn? This would be distinctive and set Lichess apart from other chess bodies.
Actually, one site (chessdotcom) uses the pawn, so no pawn. I honestly think the logo fits.
This is an embarrassment. Stop hiring these kids straight out of college. They're Morons!!
I still prefer the old one because this one is simpler while Lichess has many features.
me parece mucho mejor este ya que demuestra que son una organizacion seria y respetable.. muy bien

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