
Young Blood

Magnus got drunk again and lost his creativity and #1 spot. At least he still has a beautiful girlfriend and no time for chess.
To beat Magnus you have to be able to pull out 3000+ performance. Ali did just that. Congrats to the young man
q.q.q.q.q.q.q.q.q.wçwçwçwçwçıcıcıcıcıcoowoçwçeöeöeöeöeöeörmrmrmrmrmrmrmtntntntntntnybybybybybyuvuvuvuvooxoxoxoxoxoxoxopzpzpzpzğ<ğ<ğ<ğ<ü>ü<ü>ü<ü>ü>ü>ü>a,a,a,a,a,a,,a,sisisisisisişdşdşdşdşdlflflflflflflkgkgkgkgkgjhjhjhjhjalqğqiswX BQPEUBRHUSKLVHUGTNPHF JHCY0284TBV1CP0570TBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1BTV50T 40YPCUU FDAAAFE32GF52TMN ééé!'^+%&//()=?_-*|\}][{½$#£><"@€₺ݨ~~~Æßæß

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