
Is ChatGPT a menace to Chess Authors?

Software DevelopmentChessChess Personalities
Did you know that there are people who make money from writting chess articles?

Chess blogs tend to improve the SEO ranking of a website. For those who do not understand it means that blogs improve the placement of a website on GOOGLE and other search engines.

This means that websites that offer chess lessons, courses, and any other chess-monetizing websites will need to have a blog.

Chess authors play the important role of actually providing these websites with blog articles, and of course, it's a job so they actually get paid.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by OpenAI and released in November 2022. So you can basically tell it to write a chess article, and it will!
Chat GPT
Such an instrument has its pros and cons. Independent authors will be happy as they will have assistance in generating their articles, whilst employed authors are at the risk of losing their jobs.

So can we consider ChatGPT a menace?