
It's not winter in the South Hemisphere...

#3 those names look fine. I mean, a name that could be used all over the world. #9 exactly. #2 thanks for your time and attention, as I said before, I wouldn't go that far and say that it is an insult or a big problem, but as #9 said, it shows a bit of consideration to remember that in the southern hemisphere it is summer and it will always be summer in December.

I don't think that would be a problem if only people from the United States or Europe acessed this, it would be appropriate in that case, but the goal here (as far as I'm concerned) is to be a website accessed by all the countries over the world, so it is not so good to have a name that only have meaning for only one half of the planet (only in the northern hemisphere).

Thanks again, bye.
mate_amargo, I understand your point, but I was trying to underline the fact that there are more confusing things about calendars and dates. For example, if you call the tournament 'End of Year' tournament, then the Chinese would object, saying that they celebrate New Year in February, Mongols will say they celebrate New Year in March, and it is not 'end of year' for them, and so on.
Attempts to account for every peculiarity will lead to truly ridiculous names like 'End of December tournament'.
But you could call it 'North Winter tournament', or 'Brazilian summer tournament', it would explain which winter or summer it is about.
Right. That's why I was suggesting non-related calendar names, such as "Blitz Marathon" or "-Insert Chess legend- Marathon", and so on.
hey, im from a native comunity of 38 people, in oronuru karekipa, zambia, i consider the end of the year marathon disrespectful, because in my native comunity, we celebrate the new year in march, accord to the cats calendar.
Remember, our planet Earth has different cultures, and different places, for example the oronuru camp. And yes, there are people here, cultures, life and blah blah blah.
Brazil is the 5th economy in the world and we are more than 200 million people. So yeah, that is a difference. And we are not only talking about Brazil or a small comunity of 38 people. We are talking about "only" half of the world (the southern hemisphere as a whole).

Thibault, thanks again for your attention and congratulations on your (and all the community) impressive work. Bye
gabrr82, these are important facts, of course, but people who created and maintain this site should be given some credit, too. Letting them call a tournament according to their calendar season is a small compensation for having all these features available, don't you think?
hi im a time traveler from the 1905 russian empire, the rusian empire had 21 799 825 km² , and a population of 181 537 800, i consider the new year marathon disrespectful, because we use the julian calendar and we celebrate the new year in January.
hello and welcome to the new summer-winter-mediterranean and polar climate marathon.
We could call it "Summer Marathon". That would fit to the current situation in both the Southern and Northern Hemisphere... :p

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