
How to "continue from here" after a 50 moves draw?

Let's say I would like to go on and play with the computer after a 50 moves draw, to see where it could go after that. I can't see any way to reset the draw result. Even if I use the board editor to modify the position, then select "continue from here", the computer stops after first move claiming it's a draw.

I see that as a bug, a design flaw. Or at least there should be a "reset game result" button. Sort of.
@sheckley666 said in #2:
> Did you try to modify the second to last number in the FEN?
I can't find a way to do it.
I am on the Android app, if there is some way to hack the fen of a game right after its end then go on, it's very well hidden.
If you cannot edit the FEN (I have no idea about the mobile apps), then an easy way would be to modify the position and start with a pawn move or capture for the other side.
board editor
move the king one step
put a pawn in its place
start the game
take the pawn with the king
Yeah, that works. Inelegant workaround, though.
I think it's a design flaw that should be corrected. There should be an option to reset the 50 moves count, just like we can specify if castle is stll possible or not.
Really if you import the GAME instead of the POSITION you should not say it is a design flaw.
@Mr_Kuryakin said in #7:
> If you import the GAME instead of the POSITION you should not say it is a design flaw.
That's a nice sophism. If I can "continue from here", why can't I continue from here actually? 50 moves passed, so what? Let me continue from there.
And that's not all, if I use the board editor and modify the final position, the move counter doesn't reset either. Nonsense.