
Cheating is very easy in LiChess! Stop it, please.

I agree Thiebault.

controlaltdelete does not cheat, that is for sure.

Many of the other players at the top probably do tho, as Ajedrecista admits himself.

Detection is the hard thing. One thing that might help is to note in game lists the time each move took to play. This would give us a better idea if a player is delaying consistently on obvious
moves. I say consistently because sometimes I toggle in between windows, or have to do something irl and the game waits even tho a move may be obvious.

we start with the top players and go from there. first, we can safely adjust ajedrecista (thanks for being honest amigo).

Oh thanks mb for this word "adjust". I was searching for something more elegant than "lower score" or "kick ass".

So yeah, I had a private discussion with Ajedrecista and we agree to adjust him.
To do that I wrote a program that redistribute points to the victims. It's efficient, but not undoable.
Hi again!

I am glad to see Mr. Thibault taking care of LiChess. It is a very good new for this site.
I also see that I am no longer number 3! (:-P) If I remember correctly, young_man_blues and xbobanx are the main beneficiaries of my rating 'adjust' (nice word, mb! And very good profile).
Unfortunately, I think that there will be no cheaters (except me) than recognize they are cheating honest people... sorry for saying this, mb, but this is the truth.

I cheated for calling attention about cheating issue and not for increasing my rating and getting in the TOP 3 in a shameful way. But I am glad that things have improved somewhat here. In fact, rating
points were regardless for me; I only wanted to improve LiChess a little... I hope I had managed it with the help of honest players and (of course) with the good work of Mr. Thibault. And spam is
gone... at last.

I think this topic is a 'must read' for every honest player of LiChess and other game chess servers (or checkers/draughts or whatever game). It is hard to realise who is cheating and who is playing by
himself/herself, but this topic has exposed some tips that might help sometimes.

From now I will play always (or almost always) as guest. And I also got a nice souvenir of my account: my cool evolution graph! Something like y²=x and suddenly a brutal cliff. [;-)]

Thank you to all the people that have read this topic and made efforts trying to refresh it when spam was a true headache. See you soon!

Greetings from Spain.
I had a new idea to fight cheat. A terrible anti-cheat weapon will land here soon!

I can't reveal its nature because it could reduce its efficiency. But I will tell you when it is active.
Oooh cool!

I just check people's win/loss ratio and only play against similar win/loss ratios. For me on another chess site I will not name, my win/loss is 45/55 so I don't play people with win/loss over 65/45.

Seems like a good system, both to avoid cheaters (I know it's not true, but I consider people with 80/20+ ratio most likely cheaters), and to play matches with equals
just FYI there is no problem with mentioning other chess websites here.
I know it's forbidden on other chess sites ;)
but "suspicion" should be assessed only after a number of moves ( > 5-10 or something) - or simply disgard any suspicious games that have less than 5-10 moves.
e.g. you can't consider this game suspicious because there's only one move (there are a lot more similar examples in the list).

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