
Peak rating

I just used the Sicilian defense against a 1429 and he hung his queen in the middle game.

I am at peak of blitz bullet and ultra bullet and very nice at rapid.
@KINGSRACER234 said in #12:
> I just used the Sicilian defense against a 1429 and he hung his queen in the middle game.
Nice game! I hope you cross the 1500 boundary soon enough!
@Orathi2013 said in #13:
> I am at peak of blitz bullet and ultra bullet and very nice at rapid.
Wow....if only I reached so many milestones so quickly!
@KINGSRACER234 said in #12:
> I just used the Sicilian defense against a 1429 and he hung his queen in the middle game.
I would say it is a clean game for someone of your rating.....when you say that your opponent hung a queen, they missed on opportunity to capitalise on a hung a knight on the same move
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