
How do you Play against English Opening?

Komodo 12.1.1 got a nice positional win facing Fruit Reloaded 3.2.1 in a Swiss tournament that I hosted between fourteen engines a few months ago. Black put into practice the plan recommended by GM Roman Dzindzichashvili against English Opening, which basically consists of exchanging the dark-squared bishop for the knight on c3, fighting for control of the center. How do you play against English opening? Here is the game:
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@TheKingClash said in #3:
> I play the Symmetrical with 1...c5 and then gain space and control the centre with 2...Nf6 and 3...d5. Black gets good central control with pawns on c5 and e5 clamping down on d4. White ends up with less space and black enjoys a flexible, spacious position.
> Example game:

I prefer a3 instead of castling because White has b4 in case of an early e7-e5.

C5 then g6 with idea or nf6 bg7 O-O unless Nc3 then Nc6 (Then same process after nc6.)
Никто не отменял Защиту Бенони и Волжский гамбит. Против них очень тяжело играть белыми. Чёрные могут просто не выпустить белых из дебюта.
@LeonidNesin said in #8:
> Никто не отменял Защиту Бенони и Волжский гамбит. Против них очень тяжело играть белыми. Чёрные могут просто не выпустить белых из дебюта.
The pawn structures in the Benoni Defense and the Volga Gambit are certainly good options against English opening. Thank you for enriching this debate!
@TheKingClash said in #3:
> I play the Symmetrical with 1...c5 and then gain space and control the centre with 2...Nf6 and 3...d5. Black gets good central control with pawns on c5 and e5 clamping down on d4. White ends up with less space and black enjoys a flexible, spacious position.
> Example game:

I play the English, against the symmetrical I like to play 2. Nf3 and 3. d4, typically transposing into a Sicilian with the Moroczy Bind. Your game is very interesting because you basically end up with a reverse Moroczy Bind.

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