
How do you deal with the fact...

I think it's important to member there is probably a direct correlation between Higher Elo and Depression, Apathy and misery. Bobby Fischer, Mikhail Tal, are the first two to come to mind. Can you imagine playing chess so much it isn't fun?
i will literally be the best ever, so i dont have to deal with any fact lol
How do you deal with the fact that a child of Malaria every 60 seconds? only 1 in 1,000,000 fish in they sea will not die a violent death? That for every 2 homeless people in America, there are 5 vacant homes? i could keep going, but who cares about Chess?

If you were born in a first world country and healthy just be happy.
@jds108 said in #1:
> You will statistically never be an IM/GM. That your chess is average, that you're average, and hundreds if not thousands of players exist who are objectively superior to you.
> This is a hard reality to accept. To accept mediocrity no matter how much you play and study, you know? It makes me sad I will forever be terrible at this game.
@jds108 said in #1:
> You will statistically never be an IM/GM. That your chess is average, that you're average, and hundreds if not thousands of players exist who are objectively superior to you.
> This is a hard reality to accept. To accept mediocrity no matter how much you play and study, you know? It makes me sad I will forever be terrible at this game.

It's not that hard to accept. I prefer to be in the Top 1 Percent Wealthy than the Top 0.1 Percent Chess Elites.
@jds108 said in #1:
> You will statistically never be an IM/GM. That your chess is average, that you're average, and hundreds if not thousands of players exist who are objectively superior to you.
> This is a hard reality to accept. To accept mediocrity no matter how much you play and study, you know? It makes me sad I will forever be terrible at this game.
How is that a hard reality to accept, I don't think many if any of us in this forum care exactly. Why are you sad that you're not gonna be a literal IM/GM, I on the other hand knew it since I started playing chess. Just have fun dude, it helps your brain too like a mental workout so I don't see the problem in not being the best of the best or being famous for your chess ability.
I accept it because I'm turning 40 in a matter of days and while titled Chess players spent their lives on Chess, I've spent my life on other things. My childhood was far different than that and Chess played virtually no role in it. I mean, how do you accept that you're never going to be in the NFL or named Sexiest Man? You can't be everything...

Is Chess the #1 priority in your life? The fact is that many of us in my boat almost definitely could reach a rating of at least 2200 but we're not going to just sit and do absolutely nothing but Chess with our lives and that's what it would require. I'm not even slamming this kind of bohemian lifestyle...just highlighting the truth.

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