
Chessboard style

I'm partial the "Wooden" board (first on second row) with the Staunton pieces (second on first row). I also like the fourth board on the second row and the third piece set on the first row for something different.
I'm also using everything downloaded from Stylish. I have on:

1) Lichess Board: Athletic Vinyl
2) Pieces: AlphaJin
3) Terminal Lichess
4) Slightly Updated Lichess

All available via the "Lichess Extras" link to their Stylish uploads.
Woah, didn't know you could actually custom your pieces, that's awesome
Thanks you all !
I like the newspaper style with either the white or black background (i constantly switch)
I'm really happy with this set up. I like the blue and gray look so much I'm making my own wooden chess board with blue, gray, and black spray paint. Here's what my current lichess setup looks like.
On the computer I use the dark lichess background, the penultimate board and the first set of pieces -- after using the Staunton set for a long time, I finally decided the first set was prettier. On the tablet I use the "Blue" board and also switched to the first set of pieces. I'm amazed at how horrendous some of the custom configs are ;)
I agree that Fritz board looks amazing (though I don't use Fritz).
Can you create style for lichess? like exactly fritz?

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