
Announcing our new logo!

April Fools! Wow, this is the only post by Lichess that actually garners serious attention. Apparently little others cared about Covidates...
We love this logo so much in our university chess club that we're trying to make a similar one rn lmao. The others on the committee are trying to convince me that we should just nick this one because it's genuinely perfect (it looks cute and goofy but has psychotic murderer energy, befitting to the knight piece), but I'm trying to tell them that we have honour and don't steal!
>"They paid how much for this???"
100к рублей. Это одна из лучших работ студии Артемия Лебедева.
I hope I see this brilliant logo tomorrow as well, but I fear it is a joke :-(
i dont even mind them to let it be like a normal logo not for just one day lmao
Truly amazing. A perfect combination of carefreeness and the spirit of the game.
I would rate this masterpiece 8 stars out of 5.

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