
Vampires in Chess II - The Chase

So is it an art to find vampires? There are techniques to prove that a given one is, or to find some from others (forward). Is there a way to make maybe, a summary of the techniques into methods. It might be my problem of understanding, but maybe there are ways to both have a lively explanation, and pausing for facts so far.

Sometimes mathematical meta labelling of statements is actually helpful to the transmission. Declaring levels of language. The thing, and the explanation of the thing, can coexist. If I make any sense. (I think I do, but does it read).

definition. result. known: givens: conclusion.. method. something to mark the flow of the reasoning. that is outside the paragraph structure. retrograde analysis principles maybe.. with terminology and their possible synonyms to accommodate the story mode, fitting with the consistent but maybe too dense body of statements if it were not with story helper. But the story, might be consolidated by the recapitulations of tools builds so far, at more than one step along the way. (I might be trying to suggest a classroom type of material presentation, with many reorients on the smaller take-homes along the way, story board pauses to go along with the story.). something like that..
@dboing said in #11:
> So is it an art to find vampires?

This is a very serious question! But I think yes, it's art. Like, say, a chess composition or making sketches (I hope everyone likes to solve them). Finding "vampires" is definitely an ART!

Because if it's NOT going to be art, then why do it? Okay, chess is for fun. But finding "vampires"... We must first find them, then check them, and as I understood correctly, find a solution. I don't understand it.
Well, there is creativity everywhere, all discovery is made of imagination, not always what was imagined but in relation to what was imagined. But art I meant like the difference at official level between playing chess as a performer, or playing chess in study mode. One can become an expert at playing chess and have no clue how to transmit this art of playing chess to someone else (it might also be in their performance interest not to worry about that, but some might have developed that second sense another art). In the end, having to communicate art with each other, is what creates the need for knowledge (not data transmission, but understanding of data), and yes, not fearing the word: science construction. Science of chess being a common knowledge of chess.

Mathematical reasoning, can also be an art, and can be artfully depicted. There can be methods to an art. Finding new vampires can be both art and communicable method (we find it but don't know how to find them all, or to tell how to find them, we can just prove that the one we found is so).

There maybe other ways of splitting hair. (kidding).. I would say method within the art. and gathering methods found along the way in well spatialized written sections. What have we seen so far. It may seem overkill to those who are bathing in the art, but to those outside curious about going it, calculating forward and backward, is dense material. It needs redundancy and pedagogy, and some rigorous summarizing wrap ups. It might mean more space used, not necessarily more words (although yes more strings, but text shaping, like bullet points might be. or framing a part of the more reprodible aspects of method, that carries a longer way. just saying the words in a paragraph in a stream, might be good introduction, but making it stand out is consolidation of the telling.. I might be wrong. I am trying to use my own difficulty as data point. It might just be me and calculation in general.
I like the phrasing of the problem as white can start the game but black can't. I feel like this put's it more in "chess" terms. @Mur_James_Mur said in #17:
> I have a brain explosion)
So did I :). Can't wait for part 3!
I had a quick question - Is it possible to plug a position into some type of computer, such that the computer can test if the position is a vampire or not?
@Kings_Army said in #19:
> I had a quick question - Is it possible to plug a position into some type of computer, such that the computer can test if the position is a vampire or not?

That's a nice question! I was planning to add some comments about that in Part III.

No a such tool exists yet, AFAIK. I believe it is possible tho and I plan to build one at some point. However, it is really challenging to capture some vampires. So building a tool that is complete would be a lot of work.