
Typical mistakes - Defending against unsound attacks

I pretty much think as black, trying to prevent attacks too much, attacks that maybe not even my opponent was thinking of. I'll take note.
I loved it, wanna see more of your series! Keep it up!
Useful blog, I often lose to such trap openings because my subconscience is like "this must be bad, I must be winning" and a few moves later it's like "why the heck does this unfair shit work out"
I rather liked ..Be7 threatening ..Bh4, but now I just saw that Qg7 would be nice for White. So never mind :)
A very valuable point but one that is difficult to tackle directly.

I think a problem for must club level players is that we are rather shortsighted in terms of depth width and calculation and evalutaion all at the same time. Although with experience our skills somewhat develop further we remain relatively shortsighted and slow with regards to what we can actually see in any reasonable timeframe.

On the otherhand no one who saw the opponents winning move and had a way to prevent it did let them play their win. But we do loose to attacks we underestimated because of our shortsightedness. We simply did not see how crushing their attack would be, so we did let them play it. Loosing like this a couple of games teaches us to prevent the opponents attacks even if we are not fully sure how the will kill us and try to win later.

The skill to correctly identify an attack as unsound is the same skill that detects an attack as sound.

I found the article very helpful as a thinking framework, but I only think that I myself could safely use it if the unsoundness is very obvious 4-5 ply deep.