
3 check trap

Cool blog! Keep it up bro, I have never seen a 3 check expert before, quite exciting! keep grinding to 2200. And create more blogs about this topic if you like.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #7:
> Cool blog! Keep it up bro, I have never seen a 3 check expert before, quite exciting! keep grinding to 2200. And create more blogs about this topic if you like.

wow thx!!! i make lots of studies and blogs on so feel free to check em out!
@Sack_o_Potatoes I only read on here. Why don't you just copypaste them here? :) You are allowed to copypaste your own content as much as you like, you own the copyright. Make sure to write me a message if you do.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #7:
> Cool blog! Keep it up bro, I have never seen a 3 check expert before, quite exciting! keep grinding to 2200. And create more blogs about this topic if you like.

btw i have a 3 check theory study its got 64 chaps feel free to check it out